CPU 1518-4 PN/DP,3 MB 程序,10 MB 数据, 集成3PN,1DP
China has entered the economic "new normal" pattern, the enterprise is facing the critical moment of transformation and upgrading. SIEMENS faces customer challenges as the driving force, with engineering technology and innovation ability of excellence, with the electrification, automation and digital products, solutions and services, bring greater value for customers more flexibility, higher efficiency, faster time to market, to achieve sustainable development. We call this kind of strength "broad and profound, concentric."".
Treat each offer sincerely, treat each customer sincerely.
Welcome to consult Shanghai Xinjiang industrial automation equipment Co., Ltd.
Contact: Mr. Jiang (Sales Engineer)
24 hour service hotline: 15221552560 (micro synchronous)
《产品优势》:专业销售 薄利多销 信誉好,口碑好,价格低,货期短,大量现货,服务周到!公司在经营活动中精益求精,具备如下业务优势:
SIEMENS 可编程控制器
1、 SIMATIC S7 系列PLC:S7-200、S7-1200、S7-300、S7-400、ET-200 2、 逻辑控制模块 LOGO!230RC、230RCO、230RCL、24RC、24RCL等
3、 SITOP直流电源 24V DC 1.3A、2.5A、3A、5A、10A、20A、40A可并联.
4、 HMI,触摸屏TD200 TD400C K-TP OP177 TP177,MP277 MP377,
SIEMENS 交、直流传动装置
1、 交流变频器 MICROMASTER系列:MM420、MM430、MM440、G110、G120. 2、 全数字直流调速装置 6RA23、6RA24、6RA28、6RA70、6SE70系列SIEMENS 数控 伺服SINUMERIK:801、802S 、802D、802D SL、810D、840D、611U、S120系统及伺报电机,力矩电机,直线电机,伺服驱动等备件销售。